
After more than 15 years of experience practicing Japanese and foreign law, I founded Kanagawa International Law Office (“KILO”) on August 15, 2014. KILO lawyers bring a wealth of specialized knowledge and experience in cross-border legal matters with a truly global perspective.
To meet our client's needs in today's increasingly globalizing world, our lawyers draw on years of experience finding solutions for both Japanese companies seeking to increase their business abroad, and foreign companies investing in Japan. We possess a deep understanding of the differences between Japanese domestic and foreign legal practices, and we aim to provide the highest quality of legal services for our clients.

弁護士・ニューヨーク州弁護士 金川創

Recent News

Feb. 1, 2025
Notice Yuki Tokuchi and Yoshihito Suzuki have joined Kanagawa International Law Office.
Jan. 1, 2025
Notice Ayumu Shinozaki became a partner of the firm as of January 1, 2025
June 1, 2024
Notice Yusuke Omine has joined Kanagawa International Law Office.
Jan. 1, 2024
Notice Ayumu Shinozaki has joined Kanagawa International Law Office.
July 1, 2023
Notice Kentaro Christophe Furusawa has rejoined Kanagawa International Law Office.
July 1, 2023
Notice Jinyoung Oh has joined Kanagawa International Law Office.
June 11, 2023
Notice Midori Yui has rejoined Kanagawa International Law Office.
April 8, 2021
Notice Hajime Kanagawa and Sibyl Kane wrote the Japan Chapter of “Thomson Reuters Practical Law Environment Global Guide”.
The article is available at the below link.
Environmental law and practice in Japan: overview
Mar. 25, 2021
Notice Hajime Kanagawa wrote the Japan Chapter of "The International Comparative Legal Guide - Environment & Climate Change Law 2021". The article is available at the below link.

Mar. 1, 2021
Notice Hironobu Kohama has joined Kanagawa International Law Office.
Sep. 1, 2020
Notice Hajime Kanagawa wrote the Japan Chapter of "International Comparative Legal Guides Construction & Engineering Law 2020". The article is available at the below link.

Feb. 14, 2020
Notice Sibyl Kane has joined Kanagawa International Law Office.
Feb. 6, 2019
Notice Hajime Kanagawa wrote the Japan Chapter of "The International Comparative Legal Guide to Environment & Climate Change Law 2019". The article is available at the below link.

July 5, 2018
Notice Hajime Kanagawa wrote the Japan Chapter of "The International Comparative Legal Guide to Construction & Engineering Law 2018". The article is available at the below link.

May 10, 2018
Notice Kanagawa International Law Office ("KILO") has been selected as a finalist for the Asian Legal Business Japan Law Awards 2018 in the category of Boutique Law Firm of the Year.
Feb. 6, 2018
Notice Hajime Kanagawa wrote the Japan Chapter of "The International Comparative Legal Guide to Environment & Climate Change Law 2018". The article is available at the below link.
Jan. 24, 2018
Notice Kanagawa International Law Office ("KILO") served as legal counsel for Nippon Sangyo Suishin Kiko ("NSSK") with respect to the acquisition of Ray Field Co., Ltd. ("Ray Field GROUP") through investment partnerships NSSK affiliates manage (NSSK II). The acquisition successfully closed on January 24, 2018.
Ray Field GROUP operates approximately 55 stores, primarily located in the suburban areas in the Tokai, Kyushu, Hokuriku and Chugoku regions. KILO's legal representation included both acquisition and the debt financing of the acquisition. It has been our great pleasure to be able to provide legal services as one team.
Nov. 2, 2017
Notice Hajime Kanagawa wrote the Japan Chapter of "Global Legal Insights: Energy 2018". The article is available at the below link.
Sept. 8, 2017
Notice Kanagawa International Law Office (“KILO”) served as legal counsel for Nippon Sangyo Suishin Kiko (“NSSK”) with respect to the acquisition of SORA GROUP Co., Ltd. (”SORA GROUP”) through Chubu/Hokuriku Region Vitalization Investment L.P. The acquisition successfully closed on September 7, 2017. Nikkei reported the transaction on September 7, 2017.
SORA GROUP operates approximately 30 restaurants, which include Italian, Japanese and Chinese restaurants based in the Nagoya area. KILO’s legal representation included the debt financing of the acquisition. It has been our great pleasure to be able to provide legal services as one team.
Feb. 15, 2017
Notice On February 15, 2017, Nippon Solar Services announced that they have partnered with GSSG Solar to deploy a 170MW portfolio of Solar PV plants, with 47MW under construction, and the rest currently under development. Kanagawa International Law Office served as the legal counsel for NSS in conjunction with this transaction. NSS is the Japanese operator for investments made by Sonnedix, an Independent Solar Power Producer majority owned by institutional investors advised by J.P. Morgan Asset Management. For more information about this transaction, please visit "http://nipponsolarservices.com/news/nipp..." .
Nov. 25, 2016
Notice Shinsuke Kobayashi has joined Kanagawa International Law Office as partner.
July 19, 2016
Notice Kanagawa International Law Office (KILO) is pleased to announced that as of July 19, 2016, our office has been relocated to a new location near Toranomon station as noted below.
7th Floor, Urban Toranomon Bldg.,
1-16-4, Toranomon, Minatoku, Tokyo
Kanagawa International Law Office (KILO) will proceed the path to bring a wealth of specialized knowledge and experience in cross-border legal matters with a truly global perspective.
We appreciate your continued support and encouragement in the years to come.
Managing Partner
Hajime Kanagawa
Dec. 8, 2015
Notice On December 8th 2015, Oita Solar GK, which is one of the project companies in Japan administered and managed by Nippon Solar Services ( "NSS" ), entered into project financing with ING Bank as senior debt lenders for a total amount of JPY 12.1 billion for a utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant. Kanagawa International Law Office ( "KILO" ) served as the legal counsel for NSS in conjunction with this project financing. The PV plant is located in the Oita Prefecture in Kyusyu, Japan with a total generation capacity of 33 megawatts (MW) and operations expected to start in 2018. This loan facility agreement is one of the largest project financings with foreign banks in Japan for PV plants in both loan term and loan amount. NSS is a developer, asset manager, and operator of mega-solar projects in Japan, and the trusted Japanese operator for investments made by Sonnedix ( www.sonnedix.com ). For more information about NSS, please visit www.nipponsolarservices.com. Sonnedix is a joint venture between Sonnedix Global Holdings Ltd and IIF Solar Investment Ltd, which is owned by investors advised by J.P. Morgan Asset Management.
Apr. 8, 2015
Notice Kanagawa International Law Office served as Japanese legal counsel for the sponsor and underwriter (Shenyin Wanguo Capital (H.K.)) of the successful initial public offering of Niraku G.C. Holdings Inc. on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
Mar. 31, 2015
Notice Kanagawa International Law Office served as Japanese legal counsel for Haitong International Securities Group Limited as the Acquirer in an all-cash deal for Japaninvest Group plc (formerly "Mothers" )
This deal was the first-ever successful 100% acquisition by a Hong Kong listed company of a Japanese listed company using Scheme of Arrangement under English law instead of the Take Over Bid under Japanese law. This deal involved complex regulatory issues from both Japan and the United Kingdom, as well as Hong Kong listing regulations. It required unprecedented negotiation with regulatory authorities in several jurisdictions and was ultimately successful.
Dec. 25, 2014
Notice Kanagawa International Law Office has relocated. For more information please check our website.
Sept. 1, 2014
Notice We are happy to announce the creation of the website for Kanagawa International Law Office. Please check this website for further updates.
